The association Augenhöhe e.V. was dissolved on March 31, 2021. This website is for historical reference only.
Weltweiterdenken e.V.
The association weltweiterdenken Inc. (the name is a combination of the words “World” and “thinking beyond”) is a consortium of interested people, many of which have served as a volunteer in projects around the world for at least a year. We want to foster social engagement for a just, solidly united, and ecological sustainable environment, for example by organizing seminars. We want to offer a forum for exchange, networking, mutual teaching, and joint project and ideas.
At least once a year the association hosts a meeting that lasts several days. Next to workshops and top-class lectures, these meetings offer the opportunity for inspiring and productive cooperation based on the enthusiasm and dedication of participants. Beyond these meetings, the members of weltweiterdenken Inc. and other interested people work together in topic-centered and regional groups. These groups organize various workshops and meetings themselves. Start-ups are always possible! All people are welcome to join!
Weltweite Initiative für Soziales Engagement e.V.
The Weltweite Initiative für Soziales Engagement Inc. („Worldwide Initiative for Social Engagement Inc.“, short WI Inc.) is a incorporated non-profit organization that organizes voluntary services for Germans that want to do development-political and practical social work abroad.
Our goal is to contribute to international understanding by ways of cooperating with commendable social projects all over the world and sending our volunteers there. We do this because understanding requires encounter!
Raus von zu Haus is an online platform provided by the Eurodesk Team of IJAB (Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.). It gives you an overview of many different stay abroad programs, sending organisations, country information, sponsorship opportunities and many more. Augenhöhe e.V. is registered in the database as well.
Felix Kraemer
Felix Kraemer developed and designed the word mark of Augenhöhe. He is studying Industrial Design in Halle (Saale).
Malte Forstat
Malte Forstat is a freelance translater and proofreader in Berlin. He translated most of the texts of Augenhöhe’s homepage.