Projects in Eastern Turkey

The association Augenhöhe e.V. was dissolved on March 31, 2021. This website is for historical reference only. Diyarbakir's Old City

Augenhöhe has been in close contact with two projects in Diyarbakır (South-Eastern Turkey): Sarmaşık (a social development association) and Göç Vakfi (Migration Foundation). Recently we also got contact to another branch of Göç Vakfi in Van (Eastern Turkey), where our first Eastern Turkey volunteer from Germany will work for about six months.  Some of our active participants have been able to get a first-hand impression of all of these projects and their persons of charge.

What follows is a short description of both projects, for more detailed information, go here or visit the projects’ own websites.

Göç Vakfi

The Göç Vakfi (Migration Foundation) in Diyarbakır and Van studies the cause of increasing migration into urban areas and the problems that this entails, particularly for women and children.

As a result of financial support, Göç Vakfi was able to establish a scholarship programme for primary school children, which funds school utensils and clothing. The beneficiaries are also looked after beyond school, to facilitate their cultural and social participation in society. Among others, they have the opportunity to attend  the theatre and concerts and take part in extracurricular activities. The families of the children are visited on a regular basis, when they are offered counselling in case of any conflicts or problems. Thanks to funding from the foundation and other donors, a children’s centre founded on the educational principles of Montessori will open in August 2013. Children from lower-income families will have access to a variety of activities in culture, learning, media education and sports.

For more information, go to


The association „Sarmaşık – Yoksullukla Mücadele ve Sürdürebilir Kalkinma Dernegi“ (in English: “Ivy – Federation for an Advanced and Improved Development and for Poverty Reduction”) has been trying to counter the difficult situation in Diyarbakır since 2006. The primary aim of Sarmaşık is to permanently eradicate poverty through targeted projects, but also to make sure the city’s needy population is supplied with basic everyday necessities.

To start with, they have established a food bank (Gıda Bankası), where people in need can be supplied with a certain amount of food free of charge. Another important project so far provides 120 youth with training for the soon to be implemented construction of natural gas infrastructure in the city, which will give them much better prospects in the local labour market and improve their standing in society as a whole. Thirdly, Sarmaşık coordinates partnerships for pupils of all ages. Beyond financial backing for paying tuition fees, the children and young people receive educational encouragement and support until they finish school. They further have access to homework assistance and can take part in theatre workshops, folklore groups and choir singing.

For more information, go to